2000 South Springfield Ave.
Bolivar, Missouri 65613
Phone/Fax: 417-777-7455

Prescriber Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I suggest compounded medications to my patients?

When regular prescriptions are not working for your patients, compounded prescriptions offer a more individualized approach. By making the medication specific to the patient, the patient can become more compliant with the therapy and receive the therapeutic result desired.

Compounded medications also allow you to continue to use formulations that are not available on the mass market, thus expanding the choices available to the patient. Prescribing compounded medications for your patients also lets the patient know that you are treating them as an individual and are not fitting them into a “one size fits all” therapy. It can help strengthen your relationship with your patient.

How are you different than a regular pharmacy?

Unlike regular pharmacies that dispense medications that have been mass produced, each medication that we dispense is prepared in our lab. We use state of the art equipment and do extensive research on ingredients and drug therapies to ensure the best medication is provided to you. We specialize in solving medication problems so you can receive a successful therapeutic outcome from your medication.